How to create a Blog

If you like what you are seeing here, it's time for you to start blogging!

You may visit my WebQuest page on Blogging at: (*Highly recommended)

Or follow the instructions below:

See the icon with 9 dots in the top right corner between your name and the bell?  Click it!

Then click more, you will find the blogger icon in orange.  Now click that.

If it asks you to create a profile, it will give you two options, go with the one on the right.

You will then see a screen that looks like this:

Click the New Blog button in the top left corner under your name, and you are ready to roll!

Put in a title and a URL (This is your own web address that you will tell people you want to share with), it will tell you if that URL is available as you type it in.

Also choose a template that you like.  Don't worry, you can always change it later, I like picture window. Click create blog! Your first official blog is created! It's empty of course, so you can now start posting in your blog.  Play around with it, and don't worry about messing anything up.

Here's an example of our class blog for the Winter Olympic

1 comment:

  1. mmmmmmmmmm how to put up a tab though.
    i like the information though.
